Friday, 11 May 2012

Why nails ?

I have always been a very visual person , I come from a family of creative people for whom self expression and artistic creativity are one and the same thing. I see designs, colours, textures, patterns and shapes everywhere I look, especially in nature and images can effect me on a very emotional level.
Hands also interest me. Through our hands we touch the world, express ourselves and create. No matter how you feel about yourself, lets face it we all have our "ugly" days where we perhaps view ourselves less positively, getting a nail treatment can perk us all up and we are able to do those things with confidence! I like the idea of body art, which I believe nail art is, being the ultimate form of artistic self expression, except unlike a tattoo we can change it to suit moods or occasions!

Then when my beautiful daughter was a baby she had an accident in which she lost the tip of one of her fingers. The miracle of modern surgery meant that her nail was saved, although it does now grow in a different way. I became interested in nail technology from a reconstructive and remedial perspective. While her injury is not particularly noticeable at first glance and she is not self conscious about it in the slightest, I know that this may be something she might become more aware of as she grows older. I wanted to learn the techniques that would enable me to make her nails as glamourous as any other young ladies if and when she wants.
As a working mum, running my own business and still attending workshops to improve my skills further, my life is very full and things can get a bit hectic, but I'm loving every minute. Being able to assist people in a practical way, helping others to feel more confident and attractive and best of all, being able to express my creativity is a real gift that I treasure. I love my life and my chosen profession. If I can pass on my enthusiasm for nail technology and nail art to others.

                    Please join me on my Nail journey.




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